Monitor Mondays

Cash and Lavish Goodies to Bribe Physicians to Prescribe Novartis Drugs: Anatomy of FCA Allegations

John K. Hall, MD, JD | Ronald Hirsch, MD | Knicole Emanuel, Esq. | David Glaser, Esq. | Ellen Fink-Samnick | Matthew Albright | Mary Inman Esq. Season 10 Episode 25

Last week, pharmaceutical giant Novartis paid $51 million to settle a Massachusetts suit about patient copay waivers. The DOJ press release notes that this is the 14th settlement of this kind to come from the Boston area. In related news, the Government brought a suit against Regeneron alleging that the company had a scheme of very well calculated charitable giving that steered patients to its macular degeneration drug, which costs $1,850 per dose, and away from a competitor’s drug, which costs $55 per dose.

We are joined this week by Mary Inman, Esq. who has the latest on the Novartis suit and the FCA Allegations and how the court rules might have expensive ripple effects on the industry, and on drug prices.

Other segments to be featured during the live weekly Internet radio broadcast include the following:

  • RAC Report: Healthcare attorney Knicole Emanuel, a partner in the Potomac Law Group, will file the Monitor Mondays RAC Report.

  • SDoH Report: Ellen Fink-Samnick, a nationally recognized expert on the social determinants of health (SDoH), reports on the managed care plans that are addressing the SDoH amid COVID-19. Ellen will also conduct the Monitor Mondays Listener Survey.

  • Legislative Update: Matthew Albright, now chief legislative affairs officer for Zelis, reports on the extension of PPP and new HHS guidance on CARES Act and cost-sharing for COVID-19 testing.

  • Risky Business: Healthcare attorney David Glaser, shareholder in the law offices of Fredrikson & Byron, joins the broadcast with his trademark segment.

  • Monday Rounds: Ronald Hirsch, MD, vice president of R1 RCM, will be making his Monday Rounds with another installment of his popular segment.

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