Monitor Mondays

EXCLUSIVE: COVID-19 by the Numbers

March 23, 2020 Chuck Buck | Ronald Hirsch, MD | Knicole Emanuel, Esq. | David Glaser, Esq. | Ellen Fink-Samnick | Sean M. Weiss | Matthew Albright Season 10 Episode 11

During this of Monitor Mondays, senior healthcare analyst Frank Cohen, a computational statistician, reports on how anecdotal thinking is not evidence-based thinking, and it is difficult to draw conclusions without having all of the information – noting that’s exactly what is happening right now, as America grapples with the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Other segments to be featured during the live broadcast include the following:

  • RAC Report: Healthcare attorney Knicole Emanuel files her Monitor Mondays RAC Report.

  • Audit Report: Sean M. Weiss, reports on the next audits you can expect to encounter.

  • SDoH Report: Ellen Fink-Samnick, has the latest news on this trending topic that is attracting significant media attention. Ellen will also conduct the Monitor Mondays Listener Survey.

  • Legislative Update: Matthew Albright reports on current healthcare legislation – proposed, pending, or passed – and its intended consequences.

  • Risky Business: Healthcare attorney David Glaser, joins the broadcast with his trademark segment, in which he reports on problematic issues facing providers.

  • Monday Rounds: Ronald Hirsch, MD, makes his Monday Rounds with another installment of his popular segment which he discusses swing beds, Telehealth and billing under COVID19.

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