Monitor Mondays
Join Chuck Buck every Monday when he welcomes RACmonitor contributing editors and special guests for the latest regulatory audit news and information from CMS, OIG and OMHA. And gain valuable context and perspective that can only be found when you’re listening to the long-running and popular Monitor Mondays. Register to attend live here: https://racmonitor.medlearn.com/racmonitor/podcasts/
Monitor Mondays
Major False Claims Act Settlement Snags New York’s Independent Health
New York health insurer Independent Health and its former executive reached a settlement that will amount to up to $100 million with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and a whistleblower over False Claims Act allegations that they made Medicare members appear sicker than they really were to get more money from the government, a practice known as risk adjustment fraud.
Betsy Gaffney, former CEO of now-defunct vendor DxID, agreed to pay $2 million to resolve allegations she helped DxID mine patients’ medical records for diagnoses that risk-adjust, nudging doctors to approve them up to a year after the patient visits, all while pocketing up to 20 percent of the additional revenue generated for Independent Health by these unsupported diagnoses.
Reporting the lead story during the next live edition of Monitor Mondays will be famed whistleblower attorney Mary Inman, partner in the law firm Whistleblower Partners.
More than four weeks since its last news broadcast, Monitor Mondays will return this coming Monday with a cadre of the smartest minds in healthcare auditing. You’ll hear auditing news you won’t find anywhere else – except here and in RACmonitor.
Broadcast segments will also include these instantly recognizable features:
• Monday Rounds: Ronald Hirsch, MD, vice president of R1 RCM, will be making his Monday Rounds.
• The RAC Report: Healthcare attorney Knicole Emanuel, partner at the law firm of Nelson Mullins, will report the latest news about auditors.
• Risky Business: Healthcare attorney David Glaser, shareholder in the law offices of Fredrikson & Byron, will join the broadcast with his trademark segment.
• Legislative Update: Cate Brantley, senior government affairs liaison for Zelis, will report on current healthcare legislation.
Register now to listen to this exclusive news edition of Monitor Mondays; all this and more will be coming up at 10 a.m. EST on Jan. 13, 2024.