Monitor Mondays
Join Chuck Buck every Monday when he welcomes RACmonitor contributing editors and special guests for the latest regulatory audit news and information from CMS, OIG and OMHA. And gain valuable context and perspective that can only be found when you’re listening to the long-running and popular Monitor Mondays. Register to attend live here: https://racmonitor.medlearn.com/racmonitor/podcasts/
Monitor Mondays
May I have the Envelope: 2024 Healthcare Heroes to be Revealed
“He’s making a list, checking it twice…”
With a nod to the legendary Tin Pan Alley composer Haven Gillespie, who penned the lyrics to the iconic holiday song, senior healthcare consultant Ronald Hirsch, MD has been making his own list of healthcare professionals all year, paying close attention to their deeds in the field of healthcare.
Calling them “Hirsch’s Heroes,” an annual tradition that began in 2015, Hirsch will reveal those to whom he has bestowed the esteemed honor during the next live edition of Monitor Mondays.
Other broadcast segments will include these instantly recognizable features:
• The RAC Report: Healthcare attorney Knicole Emanuel will report the latest news about auditors.
• Risky Business: Healthcare attorney David Glaser, shareholder in the law offices of Fredrikson & Byron, will join the broadcast with his trademark segment.
• Field Report: Phyisican and attorney Dr. John K. Hall is expected to file a field report on the recent Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield proposal relative to its anethesia policy which the giant payer has since abandoned.
• Legislative Update: Matthew Albright, chief leglistative affairs analyst for Zelis, will report on the latest legislative actions impacting the healthcare regulatory setting.